Gentle Nudges Newsletter

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“I loved this newsletter. It's great how you break down us readers' resistances to taking care of ourselves, and do it with such a sweet and gentle voice with that touch of humor. Questions like those are excellent tools for re-focusing; getting back on track with what's important and letting go of what's not.”

- Ella Jolly, Social Worker
New York City

Why lying on the floor is the new nap

If you follow me on facebook or twitter, or have been reading my newsletters for a while (thank you!), you know that besides bodywork, I take care of an awesome toddler. And in the past month, her 5mo old adorable, squirmy and hefty baby bro has been added to the mix. It is wonderful and… → Continue Reading

How often is often enough?

Today, I’ll be sharing my thoughts on one of the most frequent questions I get asked, and it’s a good one. “How often should I receive massage and bodywork?” The answer: It depends! It depends on the situation and it depends on YOU. Let’s start with the situation: 1-2x/week if: :: you’re dealing with a… → Continue Reading

Reinvent the Position

Today, I want to share a personal story with you about recommitment and reinvention that I like to remind myself of from time to time. In college and for several years after, I had the privilege of studying the José Limón dance technique with the venerable Risa Steinberg. There are many reasons I loved her… → Continue Reading

7 of my fav ways to help manage LWNB (Long Winter’s Night Blues)

It’s amazing how much that time change changes things, right? For me, the season of longer evenings, holidays, and chillier weather (though as a native New Yorker, getting away with wearing just a light sweater and a jacket in November is pretty awesome) means a desire to feel cozy, warm, and nurtured. Holiday stress and… → Continue Reading

If I had a quarter for every time I recommended…

Today, I’m here to wax poetic about one of my oldest, truest, most reliable and multi-talented friends. She goes with me wherever I go: work, overseas adventures, dance classes. She’s compact and fuzzy, and is always there for me after a long day on my feet or for a quick tune-up between clients. In fact,… → Continue Reading

Human vs. Machine: Do you ever feel this way too?

“Why doesn’t it just WORK?!” These are words I’ve exclaimed about everything from my phone to my computer to WiFi. If I had a car, I’m sure I’d say it about that, too. Machines and electronics — they’re just supposed to…do what they’re designed to do, right? They’re not supposed to ever break or malfunction… → Continue Reading

Curiosity, meet my body. Body, meet Curiosity.

I want to share something about curiosity and the body, because I’m in a sharing kind of mood, and I’m wondering if you can relate : ) Recently, I’ve watched myself want to KNOW and FIX what ails me or what I wish to improve. I’ve also noticed how tense cold constricted forceful my body… → Continue Reading

The secret to being present? This 2yr old has it figured out.

I have a story for you about the magic of Hide and Seek. And if you like cute stories about little kids, I think you’ll especially like this. When I’m not doing bodywork, I’m sometimes taking care of an adorable, exuberant, and hilarious toddler. My goodness, there is so much you can learn about the… → Continue Reading

Nasty Neck Spasm? 7 DIY Tips to Turn the Pain Volume Down a Notch

I’ve received a decent bunch of urgent calls, gchats, and emails from friends over the years saying, “Helena, I threw out my neck/shoulders and can’t get in to see my chiropractor/bodyworker/acupuncturist/trainer until _____. Blah! I’m in so much pain and I have so much to do. WHAT do I do?!” Let me start by saying… → Continue Reading

Why head holding is the new hug

I’m a huge fan of hugs, but sometimes, what I truly truly desire most is to have my head held. Not my hand, my head. Are you with me on this? In fact, that is often my favorite part of receiving bodywork; a moment (or two) to give over the never-ceases-to-amaze-me weight of my head… → Continue Reading