Gentle Nudges Newsletter

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“I loved this newsletter. It's great how you break down us readers' resistances to taking care of ourselves, and do it with such a sweet and gentle voice with that touch of humor. Questions like those are excellent tools for re-focusing; getting back on track with what's important and letting go of what's not.”

- Ella Jolly, Social Worker
New York City

Rosen Method Bodywork

[VIDEO] Connecting Talk & Gentle Touch for Amazing Results with Rosen Method Bodywork

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with my friend and fellow bodyworker maverick, Karen. Karen’s been helping the fine folks of San Francisco feel better in their body for over a decade, and she’s truly a wealth of holistic wellness knowledge. Being the gentle bodywork nerd that I am, when she told me… → Continue Reading


Free your eyes and your neck will follow

(If you’re looking for a quick, gentle, surprisingly effective daily practice for reducing neck tension and eye tension, and increasing an overall sense of ease throughout your body, this is for you. It may seem too simple to work, but I urge you to give it a try : ) Three weekends ago, I packed… → Continue Reading

gentle massage therapist

Feeling misunderstood or alone as a gentle massage therapist & bodyworker? Read this. (You’re not.)

A fellow gentle massage therapist recently reached out to me to voice her struggle around feeling misunderstood at her work place, and asked how I might advise navigating this, as well as figuring out a way to do more of the gentle, powerful work she loves. Having worked with clients professionally for five years now,… → Continue Reading

Self-awareness + Two super quick ways to simmer down stress & overwhelm

Have you, like me, ever wondered… Self-awareness: friend or foe? Self-awareness is something that has intrigued, perplexed, delighted, and infuriated me for years. Both the topic itself, and the experience of it. In my last Gentle Nudge to you, I wrote about the mind/body connection and how viewing my mind as part of my body… → Continue Reading

You Are Your Body

The little mindset shift that changed EVERYTHING

I want to let you in on a major mindset shift that has amplified my health and the ease with which I navigate life. Perhaps more than any other mindset shift I’ve made. First, a little back-story: I’ve spent a lot of time researching human physicality and the mind/body connection. I’ve spent a lot of… → Continue Reading

Highly Sensitive Person

[AUDIO] I’m a Sensitive Revolutionary

I’m excited to share with you my very first interview! I had the great pleasure and honor of being interviewed by Ane Axford of Ane has been a mentor and role-model of mine in the last few years through her teachings about being an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) and learning to strengthen and lead… → Continue Reading


Feeling “ho-hum” about your body? Try this.

A friend of mine recently got their eyes scanned and shared the photo of their retina with me. Holy wow! As if I needed one more reason to be fascinated by the body. (Is it me, or does the inside of the eye kind of resemble one of those lightning balls?!) I am a self-proclaimed… → Continue Reading

[VIDEO] Got Jaw Tension? Try this easy Self-Massage for Relief in just 2mins!

One of the most frequent complaints I hear from my clients is about jaw tension and jaw tension related issues. It seems we’re clenching our jaws at our desks, with our clients, in our sleep, on the train, when we’re focusing and thinking hard, or doing a tough yoga pose or a set of Pilates… → Continue Reading

Strike while the iron is COLD

I value honesty and transparency, and I refuse to be a bodyworker who pretends to be perfect and never feel pain or discomfort, so I’m going to be upfront with you: I’ve spent the past month dealing with pretty gnarly back spasms. They’ve jumped around from place to place, presenting in different symptoms, getting better… → Continue Reading

Gaga Movement Language

[VIDEO] Gaga Movement Language: Develop Your Self-Awareness & Find Your Inner Groove!

Today is a VERY special edition of Gentle Nudges because it’s an INTERVIEW! On VIDEO! Whoa… I had the pleasure of chatting with my pal, James Graham, who teaches something called Gaga Movement Language. No no, this is not the creation of Lady Gaga, but rather of acclaimed Israeli choreographer, Ohad Naharin, of Batsheva Dance… → Continue Reading